Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: There Is Always A Silver Lining

There Is Always A Silver Lining

posted on Nov 01, 2007 08:30AM

Fellow Investors,

for those investors who have hung onto there shares and perhaps even managed to accumilate some more on the dips we are starting to benefit from our strategy. We over the last year have witnessed some very orchastrated wild downward swings that unnerved many a weak and not so weak a hand into selling ARU.

We are benefiting from the silver lining in this that there are only very strong hands in possess of ARU shares at the moment. Over the last number of days and today even though there has been some large downward swings in the stock market and spot price of gold ARU has held up very well and managed to rise in price. Once again this morning there was an attempt to drive the stock down and it was met with little follow through by other investors. All the manipulators did was sacrifice there shares and then had to rebuy.

With this kind of commitment from the present shareholders it bodes very well for future stock stability. This will only reinforce present holders,  attract future buyers, render those past manipulators impotent and assure future shareprice appreciation.

If we manage to end higher today I think it bodes very well for some fair weather sailing over the next 6 weeks or so.



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