Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

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Message: Comparison to Virginia Gold

Comparison to Virginia Gold

posted on Feb 10, 2008 02:14PM

Earlier, someone was asking for a comparison between what we might expect for ARU based on what Virginia Gold sold for to Gold Corp.

Obviously the political risk is the killer right now for us in Ecuador.


Howeveer, if we can somehow navigatee past this and make a suitor feel confortable that whatever deal we get will stick then we could be looking at a juicy price.


Goldcorp paid $425 million for Virginia and they had "measured and indicated reserves of 1.84 million oz's and they had inferred of .93 million oz's and this was in Decemebr of 2005 when gold was selling for under $600.00 oz USD.


I'm not an expert on how cost of mining and other things would be calculated but it would seem a valuation of 4 Billion wouldnt be a stretch based on Gold being 80% to 90% higher now than back in dec. 2005 and based on our resource being at least 8 times as large.

If we could eliminate political uncertainity the number should eveen be higher.

I believe that would give us a price north of $30.00 per share.

The reality is we are in Ecuador and not Northern Quebec.

Time will Tell.

Thanks to whomever suggested this comparison. I hope I got the numbers right on the Virginia calculation.

see the resource calc here:

You have to scroll down to the section on resources as of Dec 31, 20006

I look forward to hearing from others on this.






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