Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Fearless/Britnick


Thanks for your great post on trying to break apart these two combatants!

Both Fearless and Britnick have had informative postings that all can benefit from on this board...but when they turn on each other, for whatever reason, it really starts to downgrade this board again!

I think most of us here left the Outhouse forum for just that reason!

If this board is just too "vanilla" for some, then why not just stay on the other forums that seem to have that as their "good point"

I don't believe in censorship...but when its just a personal Pissing Match, take it Off Topic please...why do both you think that anybody else is really interested in who is "winning" your battle as to who is telling the truth better!

I wasn't too enthused with Britnick's post on SH's board in the beginning, and thought he was overdoing the Fear Factor there... but on this forum I have found him to be a different personality...

Fearless, I always thought of you as one of our most important posters on both boards, until the personal attacks continued here, where they were supposed to be left behind to create the kind of board that most of us regular posters had been searching for...

This forum has been the only one that I can truly say is informative without delving into the "battleground" for these kind of manure throwing contest!

Please you two...let begones be begones and trying being more human towards each other on this board...I think most of us would enjoy this "voyage" much more without your angst being exposed to show both of your immaturities here to everyone else!

Just my thoughts on this "Battle",

Long for Cash

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