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Message: For the $US dollar bulls

For the $US dollar bulls

posted on Mar 10, 2008 10:09AM

If only I had read Adam Hamilton's article back in 2001 and jumped on the gold and silver train earlier!

The following article is fascinating and makes alot of sense moreso where we are headed.........The question you have to ask yourself is where is inflation and interest rates headed in the future....I think it is pretty easy to predict inflation will be heading higher and interest rates in the US are not heading higher anytime soon.....As Adam Hamilton speaks about so eloquently, real rates are negative and heading likely more negative and almost always this leads to a lower US dollar and higher gold prices.......It really is a great article and highlights why all of us are invested here in pm stocks and why we should continue to do so even though the media and financial analysts are calling for the "commodity bubble" to break.

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