Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Clean Copy

I always work at night. It's quiet, and I don't get interupted.

I'm still trying to puzzle out the 180 day work stoppage. That imposes a real hardship on a lot of people. Of course the companies have no choice until they know what concessions they will keep, and I'm sure the workers understand this, so who are they going to blame? More to the point, who are they going to vote for in the next election?

The whole thing seems so clumsy and ham-fisted. If it's an attempt to derail Acosta it also derails Correa, so I don't really buy that angle. An attempt to knock down prices at the cost of killing a future industry? I don't buy that either. If someone does materialize with a low offer everyone will figure it out and this govt. will be toast. It could be they are toast already, in which case it might make sense (retirement planning...LOL), but then the acquirer would be faced with a new, not entirely happy government that just might want to even the score.

I keep looking for Cui Bono, but I can't find him anywhere. Maybe they really don't know what they're doing, but you'd think someone would have explained it by now? Very mysterious.


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