Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Marla's Comments on WFT


Your efforts helping the members of this group goes way beyond helping your friend,

Thanks Skylane!

Being we are anonymous to each other, there is no way I can really show my appreciation to you properly so I would like to make a donation to the local animal shelter in your name, just to thank you in some small way , I know they don't have any bears but I think the little animals could use some help also.

That would be great. There are some bear rehabilitation centers that you can donate to if you want. Unlike most wild or domestic animals, bears are hard to place. Most centers don't have the facilities or trained staff, plus not many communities are receptive to having a bear center nearby, so there's fewer opportunities for bears in distress. Here's a couple of links to reputable bear centers, one American, one Canadian, both tax deductible.

Northern Lights Wildlife Society (Canada)

American Bear Association (USA)

Perhaps even better would be a donation to the Andean Bear Conservation Project, which is also tax deductible in the USA. Andean bears are scarce, there's only 2000 or so left, and not much is known about them. These people are helping to turn that situation around.

And if any of you decide to cut them a check, make sure you put "Aurelian" in the re: line. We need to build some bridges here.


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