Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Fearless Say's


I have to agree wholeheartedly with you , Wes , and laross 19...

You guys have summed it up perfectly... we, the Crew of Longs that first came over from Da' Outhouse, all remember well Fearless's great post of mining information and optimism on ARU!

It was just when he felt that he had to "overpower" the forces that were against his will....that the Outhouse board became unbearable to read....thus the Agoracom board came into being almost because other forums were in so much turmoil, that no useful information was being dealt with in a "war free zone" atmosphere...

I always thought of Fearless as our Master-at-Arms on this good ship....but you just can't have your on board fights on the "topdeck"... take them Off Topic! and everything would have worked out fine.....otherwise all the rest of us Mates have to wade through the morass and mud of his battles....We've all been here long enough now to understand the risk we're involved in...if not then the "big boys" are going to skin you on the beach!

Just my long thoughts this week-end morning,

Long for Cash

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