Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: embry says kinross move brilliant

Re: embry says kinross move brilliant

posted on Aug 28, 2008 08:38PM

Embry is right. The move by Kinross is brilliant given the fact many people have concerns about their Russian flagship. If they can acquire Aurelian, it will go a long way towards their future stability and all they had to do was give up some paper and warrants.

The unbrilliant people are sitting on the Aurelian board for failing to recognize this and handing over "the best find in the last 10 years" (Embry statement today) in exchange for paper of a risky company.

Embry should be applauded for using his 1 minute on Kinross to make this point without giving a direct opinion on the bid. He affirmed what many of us already know.

Let's hope enough shareholders realize this and reject the Kinross bid.


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