Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Should have said- If I could ask our BOD just one QUESTION...

If we could go back in time and make just one change in the history of this transaction, and that change was to replace Patrick Anderson and his board of stock option piranhas with Tye Burt and his business savvy board of predators---would you do it?

Absolutely not ! You think they're predators.. lol, they probably think that of themselves too, the real predator is waiting out there in the wings, his name is Vladimir Putin, when this guy wants the Kinross Russian operation he'll just take it, no bid, no worthless warrants and he won't even pay peanuts for it. What's more it WILL happen.

I would never want anyone on our BOD who made such a stupid mistake as to invest my money in Russia.. I'll settle for a bunch of chimpanzees, they couldn't make a worse mess of it than our present bunch of clowns.


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