Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management


George.....Ye' be a true Mate!

You are so very much correct that this is "The Battle"!

We have all fought through the Soto reports...the Mining Mandate...the Ecuadorian protests, and new Constitution...the CONIAE along with the Greens...

And then this morning...waking late to check on this day's report of the take over results....only to find such disheartening news!

But the Good Ship has floundered before....and has managed to "right herself" after the storm!

Last night we were attacked, and nearly sent onto the "rocks of Kinross", but we only just staved off the first attack!

Between now and Sept. 15, the last remaining parts of this Crew must hold together....AND NOT TENDER OR SALE THEIR SHARES!

If we can hold this "REVOLT OF THE RETAILS" this long....then certainly we can hold the last 20% of ARU! and make Kinross "PAY TO PLAY"!

Kinross didn't get the full prize yet!...and they want full control!

After Sept. 15th...If Kinross doesn't get the 90% needed for full control, then in my opinion....they will of coarse raise the price level slowly, to try to entice more shareholders to give up enough shares, until they can finally get their "overpowering" position, and force this into the courts....who knows that might be a good thing at this point!

So again, George (who has put on his best "Red Shirt") is right !

The Crew has only begun it's new Battle against a new Foe...and even if Kinross does manage to de-list ARU as a company....We, the Crew of the good ship Aurelian should keep "banded together"...maybe as new Kinross see how this great FDN deposit plays out in the long run...of maybe years!

As for the roll call...I have always said that I would be here, on board, until the good ship went under the waves...or its memory is carried on in a new life!!


Long for Cash

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