Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: It is getting complicated !!

It is getting complicated !!

posted on Oct 16, 2008 01:05PM

Hope to get my shares soon rather then later

cloudy vision ahead ! oiramoric

EXCLUSIVE-Ecuador mulls mining contracts in new law

QUITO, Oct 16 (Reuters) - Ecuador is considering extraction or service contracts for mining companies under a proposed new mining law that should be sent to Congress in a few weeks, Oil and Mines Minister Derlis Palacios told Reuters on Thursday.

Ecuador does not have a specific contract model with mining companies as most still are exploring for precious metals in the Andean country. Left-wing President Rafael Correa has promised stricter state control over the mining sector.

The state would pay companies a fee to extract minerals under a service contract but keep the actual commodities. An extraction contract would allow thegovernment to charge miners a royalty on metals they take out of the ground.

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