Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: continuing SAGA for mining...

continuing SAGA for mining...

posted on Oct 17, 2008 02:03PM

Ecuador's left-leaning President Rafael Correa, has been enjoying a major victory since the country's new constitution passed by a margin of 64% in late September. The charter expands access for Ecuadorians to social services and grants them the right to water; it also promotes environmental initiatives. But indigenous, environmental and rural organizations worry that the new constitutional gains may be compromised by Correa's plan to pay for new social benefits through controversial mining projects. As his government installs an interim legislative commission, with an anticipated new mining law near the top of its agenda, the conflict is shaping up to be one of the toughest challenges in coming months. Jen Moore reports from Cuenca, Ecuador.


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