Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: GATA raising hell about market manipulation.

Haven't seen your name on any posts for a while, Clavis! Semi-retirement?

I find this story quite interesting. For years, GATA and advocates of holding physical gold generally, have been vociferous in claiming "the fix" was in on the gold price. On the face of it, manipulation seems the only answer to much of the activity on Comex and the London market. Regulators have studiously avoided the issue. Now, with this latest "whistle blower" report, how can it be denied? How can the regulators fail to take action?

It is my belief that the bullion banks act in the gold markets with full governmental knowledge, encouragement and support. Thus, this latest exposure will change nothing. One way or another, manipulation will continue as long as governments persist in trying to maintain the failing fiat money system. Eventually, pressure will build up until the lid blows off. At that point, the powers that be will have a new system ready to roll into place. It will be interesting see what the details are and how long it will last.

The dynamics affecting the world monetary system are such that nothing can be cut and dried. Something like a long running episode of staying on a bucking broncho. Only the timing of this climactic event is obscure. Lots of luck to those trying to figure that out!

Only mho,


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