Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Picks & Shovels

I like Dennison and have thought of getting back in at some point. Agree on UUU...not sure what Telfer has in mind...without a doubt he is a mover but he scares me with some of his decisions......he also has many hats going at the same time ( Goldcorp, UUU, and several others)...some think he is great and some (McKeown) I'm not so sure they like his "go for the gusto" approach...

Someday the USA will wise up on corn ethanol and either get the correct crop to make ethanol out of or abandon it and get back to good alternatives like solar, wind, hydro/ocean currents etc.....

I hate to admit it but the US government makes me shake my head too much....what am I missing?? They had better get their act together soon...

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