advancing to production

100%-owned Mary River iron ore deposits, Baffin Island, Nunavut Territory, Canada.

Message: BIM...a sleeping giant !!!!!!

BIM...a sleeping giant !!!!!!

posted on Feb 17, 2010 01:12PM

I'm new to BIM and after hearing about it on BNN, I did not hesitate to buy this one. From what I can see... this is a sleeping giant just waiting to be awoken by news of a partnership to develop the property. When I realized the Fe grades that BIM has pulled out of the ground (along with the tonnage), and the fact that there are some 20 possible joint venture partners out there, I did not hesitate to buy in. I think that if the German Govn't gets involved in giving $ 1 Billion to help develop this property, then this one will spike up rapidly. Looking at buying some more in the mid .50 cents range. I got a feeling this could go up 10 fold.

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