Developing the El Boleo mine - 2010

Baja Mining Corp. is a Canadian mining company. Baja, through Minera y Metalurgica del Boleo S.A.P.I. de C.V. (MMB), owns a 10% interest in the Boleo copper-cobalt-zinc-manganese project located in Baja California Sur, Mexico.

Message: Baja Mining eyes $1bn manganese upside at Boleo

This article is almost unbelievable ! Baja claims that their manganese production would be approx 220,000 tons/year. That is 11 times the annual production of the year 2005 when 20,000 tons were produced, albeit almost ALL in China. The latest quotes I have for Manganese carbonite are around $800/metric ton. Therefor, if my figures are correct, Baja could sell their MnCO3 for $160 million / year. Can this possibly be correct? (times 23 year mine life= $3.6 Billion)

Please reply re: this info.

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