Exploring for Gold in the Rainy River and Red Lake districts of Northwestern Ontario

81m @ 5.08 g/t Gold, 28m @ 13.28 g/t Gold, 9m @ 12.88 g/t Gold, 46.6m @ 2.28 g/t Gold plus Bonanza grade Silver (up to 1760 g/t)


rickdiculous --"All I know is when I called BYV yesterday I was told the casey peoples jaws hit the floor when they heard about the 5.7g/t over 81m correction, said it puts this in another category, according to someone on site."--

Ohhh do I EVER like the sound of that!!! I pretty much thought the same thing honestly. It's one thing to have a greenfield project with an explorer proving up gold and trying to convince the market they have a winner...because you don't "know" if there is deposit there or not or whether their drilling methods are solid etc.

It's a FAR different thing to be right in the middle of a 5+ million ounce deposit and CONTINUING to find large quantities of gold in succession to what has already been done.

What the 81 metre intercept tells me is that Rainy River's success is quickly becoming Bayfield's success and it's only a short matter of time before people realize it and they REALLY rocket!. Yes I'm very excited and may be bordering on "pumping" but I just can't believe our luck! Through a series of market twists and turns and politics (and maybe some poor judgement on RR's part...not to offend) we have this beautiful property with nearly gauranteed success and unlimited upside.

If Doug Casey does in fact put out another recommendation/update for BYV next Tues and we get news in the same time frame you can quickly forget about the $1 range all together IMHO.

Just things to think about on this down day, I'm hoping tomorrow we'll be more into the $1.30 range where we deserve.


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