Exploring for Gold in the Rainy River and Red Lake districts of Northwestern Ontario

81m @ 5.08 g/t Gold, 28m @ 13.28 g/t Gold, 9m @ 12.88 g/t Gold, 46.6m @ 2.28 g/t Gold plus Bonanza grade Silver (up to 1760 g/t)

Message: Hedge Funds for Dummies

From the RR board:

Enigma: No, you're not being paranoid. I watched a show on PBS a couple of nights ago. It was on the stock market crash of '29. What was loud and clear was the manipulation that was going on by the "big" boys then. However, the regulations put in because of the crash (and since) were supposed to "fix" the problems. As I watched (and listened) I realized many of the wrongs that precipitated the crash are prevalent today, just in a more subtle form.

Watch out for hedge fund participation in any stock you are invested in - JMO

There is a good book out called: Hedge Funds for Dummies. I downloaded it to my Amazon Kindle reader. A young brilliant friend was talking about starting one and I suggested he read it before he got himself into trouble.

Are all Hedge Funds bad? One has to do DD and decide for oneself.


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