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Message: Preparing for China's Urban Billion

Preparing for China's Urban Billion

posted on May 30, 2008 08:37AM

To be nothing but fair, i was made aware of Mckinsey Global Institute via Richard Reinhard of Growth Stocks Weekly...

Below are his words from a few weeks ago, it only seems fitting to splash them on here giving credit where it's due for creating awareness within his subscriber base. This MGI report is a winner hands down and the bullish implications for copper are astounding - and that's no pump folks. I know Richard wouldn't mind in the sharing of a few of his words written below, as it's after the fact when his subscribers have had a chance to digest the report for their taking...


"Another upbeat view is expressed in a March report by McKinsey Global Institute, the economics research arm of management consultants McKinsey and Co. In a report entitled Preparing for China’s Urban Billion, the McKinsey researchers make bold growth projections that, if accurate, would require prodigious amounts of commodities of all kinds. They say that 350 million people will be added to China’s urban population by 2025 and that the population of China’s cities will reach 1 billion by 2030. By 2025, there will be 221 Chinese cities with populations greater than 1 million, and of these, 23 cities will have populations greater than 5 million. This scale of urbanization will also require sizable investments in public transit, and the report estimates that up to 170 mass transit systems could be built, with up to 28,000 km of metro rail, three times the length of the Trans-Siberian railway. Five billion sq. metres of road will be paved, and 40 billion sq. metres of floor space will be built in 5 million buildings. Of these buildings, between 20,000 and 50,000 will be skyscrapers (buildings of at least 30 storeys).

The McKinsey report projects that China’s gross domestic product (GDP) will have grown fivefold by 2025. Vast amounts of energy will be required to power this expansion. The report says that between 700 and 900 gigawatts of new coalfired generating capacity will have to be installed between 2005 and 2025. Although the report does not connect these projections directly to the level of commodity demand, we can assume that if these staggering growth projections do materialize, they will spell sustained high demand over the next 17 years for a broad spectrum of commodities such as base metals, steel, cement, construction materials, asphalt and energy."

-------------------- (not sure if this link will work or not, you might have to sign up firstly)

Btw, MGI will publish their full report in the summer of 2008.
Enjoy the reading!
Jun 02, 2008 01:37PM
Jun 03, 2008 12:32PM
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