Welcome To The Bravo Multinational Incorporated. HUB On AGORACOM

Bravo Multinational Incorporated. currently being restructured to include its gaming operations along with mining interests

Message: GHDC"D"

Hornet- The "D" at the end, as far as I can find out, just means that the stock has undergone a reverse split, and is generally removed after ~20 days. I assume it's there so that people not keeping up w/events would know something has changed (and so they don't go out and order a Maseratti when they see the price is up 10X w/o noticing that they only have 1/10 the amount of stock). But as far as I can see, it is only a temporary symbol change, and nothing else. So why do you think that action won't take place until after the "D" is dropped? I don't think the "D" restricts their actions in any way. The only thing I can think of is that they will be changing the symbol completely.

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