Welcome To The Bravo Multinational Incorporated. HUB On AGORACOM

Bravo Multinational Incorporated. currently being restructured to include its gaming operations along with mining interests

Message: goldland

pic, i did not know pq was going to sell this stock two months ago. what i did know by watching sf going down like it did, and knowing pq really was'nt into sf anymore, as i got that from him at the last shm and gld will be $1.00. in 6 months. and you know most stocks that r/s almost always go down to what they where befor the r/s or lower, and then they are worthless, been there a few times. because pq and rk did nothing for sf and then they did nothing for ghdc as it was going down that was the big clue for me. was going to sell at 18, but was helping my little girl start her own business, so got side tracked for a bit. i have had alot of stocks,and have made a lot of money on a few of them,got in early gold at 290 and silver at 4 and stocks cheap. but have had stocks that have b/s me just like sf and gld has done and they all have gone by by at the end. PRS> and PRS< but not one thing that really showed us of what really was going on, always in the dark , they knew what they where doing, just stringing us along as they diluted the stock and not telling us who was gettiing all those shares . this is not something that just hit me, i have been holding off selling for some time. i am like the rest of you, hoping for it to turn around and you know hoping will not get you rich or change anything, not for me anyway. i will hold sf till it is worthless then sell and take it off my taxes for the next 9 years (3,000)a year, good thing i sold 30,000 at .39 cents just to make my wife happy, should have made her really happy and sold it all. i dont have any hard feelings for any body on these boards love you all and DON hope we see you again on the mountain, i am sure bobby jo would..........cowboy

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