Welcome To The Bravo Multinational Incorporated. HUB On AGORACOM

Bravo Multinational Incorporated. currently being restructured to include its gaming operations along with mining interests

Message: NEWS

Seeming you keep bringing this subject up, I would like to respond to your nonsense.

"someone with 4 aliases on 4 computers can give themselves up to 3 recommends on every post"

You and a couple of others have accused me of having another handle name(Green Hornet). So now someone by the name of MasterBanker comes out and calls you out, and some individual by the name of Alethia (I like that name by the way--Greek word for the truth)posts yesterday and you think it's me.

"can give themselves up to 3 recommends on every post" You're basically stating that I create these names to give myself recommendations on my own posts? PLEASE, for the last time pic, GET LOST and go do something useful, like attend to your ailing wife.

BTW, I don't believe you own a single share of GHDC anymore. You were so broke you had to sell, but you're trying to convince this board you still own 55k shares so you can remain moderator of this chat board. LMAO

The task we must set for ourselves is not to feel secure, but to be able to tolerate insecurity.

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