Welcome To The Bravo Multinational Incorporated. HUB On AGORACOM

Bravo Multinational Incorporated. currently being restructured to include its gaming operations along with mining interests

Message: April 2016

Was when Brvo changed its name from Ghdc. A rosy press release Said there were unforeseen timing issues but now it has been shaped into a solid foundation on which to grow the company to new heights. 


A diversified company holding casino casino equipment in South America and gold/silver mining properties in North America. And the new ventures should result in multi divisional financially viable and profitable wholly owned subsidiaries.

All this was going to be done without a R/S of any nature. What the heck happened that less than a year later we need a 300-1 to recapitalize. Clearly we need new management. 


Fir those that say we see no action from the SEC because they have bigger fish to fry. I offer you Jeremy Barbera. A tiny penny stock company who presented his company as a solar company. The SEC prosecuted. Some went to jail. Many got fined. Many not allowed to be involved in public companies ever again. 


So if there is something there. Which I don't know if there is. I don't believe the SEC ignores it because the company is small. 


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