Welcome To The Bravo Multinational Incorporated. HUB On AGORACOM

Bravo Multinational Incorporated. currently being restructured to include its gaming operations along with mining interests

Message: BRVO

Just cause I'm positive on BRVO doesn't make me a pumper 

I believe solid revenues are coming and mergers to better the  company 

pumping would be stating false info to make a profit im down on all my shares

and for the record I never received one share not one I was suppose to get compensated with shares never got one 

this is a fact ask bouts on board u all know him 

further more my 10 million I bought yes paid for with a 2 cent average is now 30,000 shares and I'm down a lot just like all you all

i choose to stay positive cause being negative and making up lies isn't going to get most of my money back or turn a small profit

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