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Message: Re: Oily Problem for Repsol
May 19, 2012 08:52AM

Repsol fails in first attempt to find oil off Cuba

May 18, 2012 By INews Guyana Leave a Comment

Spanish oil company Repsol has announced a first attempt to find oil in Cuban waters has failed.

Repsol spokesman Kristian Rix said an exploratory well it drilled some 50km (31 miles) off Cuba was unsuccessful and would be abandoned.

But he said it was too early to say whether the whole project would be called off. Mr Rix says Repsol is assessing the data to determine what steps to take next.

“It is not uncommon to strike out with offshore wells, and four out of five are dry,” he said.

Cuba produces only half of the oil it needs.

Drilling in Cuba’s northern coast began some three months ago.

Repsol is also drilling in Guyana, however details of the possible oil find here are still to be made public.

However company official have expressed optimism with the Guyana operations.

May 19, 2012 11:40AM
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