Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: How Free An Agent Is Management Currently?

How Free An Agent Is Management Currently?

posted on Feb 22, 2008 06:52AM

*There are at present nearly 9 million outstanding shorts!

*The "institutions are massively short the common and long the interest bearing debentures at a yield of 12%+. Additionally, debentures are ultimately convertible to common!

*Connacher itself, due to "owing its soul" to the institutions may not have the freedom to act as a totally free independent agent and may potentially temporarily have litttle choice but to "go along" with the aims of the institutions!

*Ultimately, we may be looking at a plan on the part of institutions to not only make money through both their short the common and long the debenture positions but, ultimately expand their control over the Company through an expanded holding of common position acquired at the expense of timid and frightened retail investors intimidated by fear of loss!

*Note how CLL sells off during the day for the last several days only to come back somewhat late in the day, still closing slighhtly lower than the previous days close!

*Though, obviously subject to change at a moments notice, note how that updates on progress at GD have been now completely absent for a one monh period!

*Pardon my cynicism but, when money is involved and gain or loss, it is always appropriate to approach the matter with eyes wide open as to the potential of manipulation be it legal or not!

*There are powerful interests here whom are not interested in anyone or anything else other than winning. Regardless who has to lose in order for them to win!

*If you have a "stop loss" on Connacher which has not yet triggered, you may wish to take it down in order to not find yourself in a position of having been stopped out at a loss with subsequent inability to get back in at anything but a higher price!


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