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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: The current situation

The current situation

posted on Feb 25, 2008 08:49AM

I have read numerous email from DG posted by other investors and have sent some to DG myself. Most questions are about the stock price or when will there be an update. Most of the replys from DG are that the stock price is out of his control, it takes buyers and seller. But I disagree, there are no buyers because investors do not know whats going on.

1. How is POD one doing? Are the all the wells turned to SAGD? How many Bls a day?

2. The large loan the company took out. DG says they have 400 mil in the bank. I'm sure its drawing interest, how much? How much will it offset the 10% payment? The moneys not going to be used until late summer when POD 2 is approved. What does this do to earnings?

3. With the new dilbit tax stucture is POD one paying the whole tax or is the capex from construction and POD two allowed to offset the revenue. I read the new dilbit tax put out by the Alberta government and I can't figure it out. Maybe DG could confirm how this will work.

From reading all the other boards, these are some of the things that worrying investors. Until these things are answered the stock price will not improve. I guess we will have to wait until the AGM for answers.

I have great faith in DG's ability to build the company within budget and on time. I just don't know about his ability to market the company. I have heard numerous analyst being asked about CLL and responding that they didn't know about the company or didn't think it was time to invest in it yet due to risk. CLL is a great story and it is still unfolding, but if no one knows about it, what happen then?

Just some ramblings from a frustrated CLL investor

Feb 25, 2008 09:31AM

Feb 25, 2008 11:09AM
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