Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: CLL Shock & Awe


I am looking for discussions on the SP like this . We can all gather in our corner of the sandbox and discuss things that we all agree about. Discussing things that we don't agree about is more difficult because we seek out people and answers that we want to hear, not what we don't want to hear. So since I disagree with the SP being built into the so-called success of POD 1 I would like to hear why you think it is already built in.  Not because of whisps in the wind. I believe people are still selling or shorting the stock because of unknowns. These unknowns are,1) are the variable costs being covered at 5000 bbl/day 2) Will it hit 10,000 bbl/day 3) will POD 2 be approved and if it is can it be built with the $320 M borrowed and put aside 4) if it is built will it produce 10,000 bbl/day economically 5) will Randall produce what they think it will 6) PDP. These are some of the risks directly attributable to the SP. Indirect are NG, conventional oil, bitumen prices and beta risk. In March Revenues should be up by about 31 days at 5000 bbl/day or 155,000 at about $55-$65 per barrel or about $9 million. To me that is significant and not built in. People are anchoring on the lower price, when they should be building in this higher positive cash flow. Just my thoughts

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