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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Re: US May Protect Oilsands
Mar 11, 2008 01:39PM

Mar 11, 2008 02:31PM

Mar 11, 2008 04:33PM
Mar 11, 2008 05:37PM
Mar 11, 2008 05:45PM
Mar 12, 2008 04:31AM
Mar 12, 2008 06:13AM
Mar 12, 2008 06:16AM
Mar 12, 2008 06:59AM



Excellent point regarding food.  Two of the most prolific producers of food in this world are the US and Canada. 

It is only a matter of time that the US willl get out of the inefficent practice of utilizing its tremendous grain growing capability for the inefficent practice of corn based ethanol.  Such will free up a tremendous amount of prouctive capability for the refocusing of agricultural capabilites on food production.  Which is also highly needed by this world. 

Both grain production and oil will be principal beneficiaries of such a reordering of these priorities.  The US in grain production and Canada in both energy and grain production.

Such will bode well for both the economies of Canada and the US and provide for a synergistic benefit for both the US and Canadian economies.



Mar 12, 2008 09:40AM
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