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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: US May Protect Oilsands

Funny, ethanol is a net CO2 polluter but Onario government is for ethanol.  Carbon Dioxide is a MAJOR byproduct of NH3 production.  Ammonia is used to grow corn.  The fernentaion process of this corn to make ethanol produces execes CO2 as well.  Funny how governments run with things that gets them votes!  I used to be a chief engineer at a major fertilizer compex.  Between the CO2 vented  as byproduct, CO2 from burning natural gas in the primary reformer, the fermentation process of making ethanol and nobody says "boo".  (keep the farmers happy!)


Anyhow, these are the rules we are playing by.  People can see high gasoling prices and blame the oil companies. 

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