Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Bad Posts


TNX for this information.Will check this out .

Just filled in as example on my acount a trade for 10000 shares.

Look at the cost.THe bold figures are the total 124.95 €.

I was looking for trading points but as you see I must be sure it wil drop at least 0.2 cents .

In and out here is 250 € total.The transaction cost is not that high but it's the tax on the transaction. And that's maybe the problem.

Will wait until we are nearing 6 $ to try.Then we have full fib wave

Gelieve uw order te bevestigen
Markt Canada TSX & TSX Venture
Transactie Verkopen
Symbool CLL
Hoeveelheid 10000
Limiet koers 5
Order type Limit
Gekozen munteenheid CAD
Munteenheid van de markt CAD
Geldigheid Dag
Taks op de transactie 85
Transactiekosten 39.95
Totale transactiekosten 124.95
Referentieprijs per eenheid 5
Verwachte Opbrengst 49875.05

Looks like CLL is in line with the TSX last days.

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