Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: The stimulus package

How big are the chances that we could see a bid on CLL the same like we have seen on UTS recently ,and has CLL a poison pill to avoid a take over?

Suggest someone would take oer CLL would that be so very negative for us and what would be a reasonable price?

I also looked up the oil chart vs CLL chart.Since begin 2006 when oil was at average 60 $ and with CLL no production at all the market valued CLL at around 3 to 4.5 alll the way until 2008 with a one jump to 5.25 due to Credit Suisse action then.So the sp didn't follow the spike in oil to 145. at all.Now we produce but oil has dropped below 60 at 40 to 43 recently but the market valued CLL below 1 right now.Does that make sence??If we are now correct priced then we were far over in 2006 till 2008 then because we hadn't production or are we now very undervalued ?Now we face the low oil price which is below their target production price but years before we were much higher with no production and there was the fear they could face start up problems but still we are around the 4 average.So where is the differance ?

So if we have a take over candidate what would be a fair price ?

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