Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Dick and BNN interview

Rebel, I am convinced by now that you are just kidding with me here.

You are intelligent person and is hard for me to believe that you do not understand the the slide #6 or my posts or CLL last news.

Last time:

At the end of 2009, after all projected expenses are paid including interest on the loan and convertibles CLL will have only $9 million (left over from the $600 million loan).

There is no $200 million credit line available. Read my post Re: 1 paragraph and the last CLL news. This is why the Algar in on the freez.

In 2010 CLL interest obligation are about $CAN 80 million.

Possible option to fix this problem are in my Re: 1 paragraph post.

Sorry if some of you are not convinced or do not understand it.

This is the best I can do on this subject.

No more post tomorrow for me. I am going to the hospital to have my Hernia fix. Should be back home tomorrow night.

Good luck to all Jurek.

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