Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: 1 paragraph in the News has me worried...


First of all let me say that I really enjoy reading this board and I wish there was some sort of award given by Agoracom to recognise the best. I’m sure this one would feature in the top 3 at least. Unfortunately my posts probably seem a bit disjointed to you guys as I don’t really have the time to read every day. Also the time difference between us is not helpful and I end up reading several topics at once and cannot relly join in in real time. With that said I would like to say the following.

1.) Belated Happy Birthday to Sharky and one question. Was that a half marathon time or the Brussels 20K because I managed that one in 1hr 29mins. Of course the 20K is shorter but not by much. I used to run 5K every day but at the end of the week I was 35K away so I gave it up.

2.) Jurek, I don’t think you caused any confusion with you statement about Consolidation. I knew exactly what you meant the moment I read it as for me it was clear and succinct. Rebels it was also very clear what your reply was and it was obvious you got the wrong end of the stick. I don’t believe Jurek has been smoking anything and I don’t think you are being fair. I am amazed Jurek took your comment so lightly even to the point of almost apologising, full marks for that.

3.) Although I don’t like to say it, I too believe Dick was hinting at partnership or even sell out to avoid a complete catastrophe (He did mention $25 oil) and guys to be honest we may welcome a move like this in the end to save our asses. Lynn I know you have another opinion on this and I hope you are right. I really hope we don’t have to go down that road but unless we see a recovery of the bitumen price I think management will need to take decisive action. I also remember that management will have the ultimate decision on the poison pill scenario if another company comes in although I might be corrected on that one.

3.) Looks initially like good news at last about the incentives and I hope they can do something which will be beneficial not just for Connacher but for all the juniors who are struggling today. The whole of the industry needs to survive and not just Connacher in isolation. A tax break is not the answer, I believe the government should allow companies to get bridging loans at close to nill interest rate as it is the debt that will kill our companies in the end. I’m not sure if Connacher can re-finance even if these types of loans are available but I’m sure they would be able to manoever somehow to take benefit. Maybe someone with a bit more knowledge about the financing options can work out a couple scenario’s. What a tragedy it would be if these companies are forced to the wall or even forced to sell out after all their hard work.

I just hope we can stop that Fat Lady from Singing

Good Luck to all


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