Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Institution continues to unload---


" think Resolute Fund will face major redemption when the shareholders will see their end of the year statement of 70% loses. Resolute may be force to do some selling in Q1/2009"

I think any investor with half a brain already knows about the 70% losses. Those without the stomach have long departed. The smart ones that believe the oilsands have a future look at the big picture. They compare the different companies involved and ask serious questions. They know the whole energy sector has been hammered so the main question to ask is how does CLL stack up to comparable oilsand plays. To this question I'd answer, they're holding their own and are in as good a position as could be considering the circumstances.

Regarding Resolute or anyone else for that matter, whether they choose to invest of devest in CLL will be determined by their oppinion on the future viabilty of oil as an energy source. Aggressive fund managers will see this crisis fueled collapse of the market as an opportunity to make HUGE gains by investing huge at and bargain basement prices, which BTW will means their funds will show a huge gain at years end just in time to lure back investors for RRSP season.

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