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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Reflection On Appropriate Communication

Reflection On Appropriate Communication

posted on May 20, 2009 07:27PM

To the Board at Large:

Allow me some observations. We were all taken aback by the PR of yesterday. It is my belief due to the fact that such was presented with virtually no specifics. Only a vague premise or, a potential, possible, maybe. It actually seemed to be more of a "fishing expedition" with an intended audience other than the shareholders than anything else. Or perhaps it was intended to discover representative shareholder reaction as would have been discovered through observation of this board.

Even with all of that, I found yesterdays communication to be more comprehensible than most Connacher communications. Usually one has to search though a twenty-five paragraph document in order to find the salient factoids, which are hidden in the middle of the page of a lengthy paragraph. Almost as if such was written with the intent of concealing something or somethings, in plain sight. Four paragraphs later, in the middle of another lengthy paragraph, one finds the next salient factoid. Almost as if the intent was to conceal something in plain sight.

Frankly, this practice causes me concern. Such practice certainly does not give one a high degree of belief that the authors objectives are in synch with the audiences. Namely, we the shareholders. It is my belief that as adults, to whom the status of the Corporation we have invested in is of singular importance, we have a right to the unadulterated facts which reflect the reality of the condition of our investment. Further, such should be presented in plain open view. Not hidden in some nook or cranny of the document which defies discovery.

A more appropriate, open type of communication in my belief would serve the interests of the shareholders and is not only a reasonable request but justified in order to avoid confusion due to lack of clarity. As obviously through observation of reactions to yesterdays missive was and has been existent.


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