Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Oil sands to take hit from U.S. bill - Globe & Mail

As with anything, the wise supplier sells his product where he gets the greatest return for his investment with the fewest hassles. So should it be for Connacher. If that means that tar sands petroleum goes, due to US taxes and levys, to somewhere in the world other than the US, so be it. If one believes over any period of time, the US consumer is going to stand for paying significantly more, they are sadly mistaken and deluding themself. The love affair with Barak Obama will come shortly to a very rapid end as the US consumer begins to be aware just how expensive his ideas and objectives for the typical US consumer will be. This is one delusional honeymoon that is about to end!


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