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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: A Question for CLL Investors!

Hi Rebels

Very good artickle.I searched myself about that issue too.To me it can be done to form oil from non organic matter.I work in a catalyst plant and a year ago I heard on a meeting they make catalyst to transform methane into larger chains.So the theory of non biologic oil can be true if you have the right circumstances.Carbon is a very interesting atom .

Of course the peak oil theory is a good item that many oil companies will not deny.In fact it feeds their own purpose for a higher price in time.

From what I read the Russians have left the theory that oil is an organic stuff of woods and dinossaurus etc..behind them for a long time.The fact they find oil in the deep sea where there were no woods before underlined that fact.If you have carbon and hydrogen in a perfect envirioment together with some kind of catalyst a chain forming can occur.So KEROGEN is some kind of mixture that also is the basis of tar sands.But still the pro and contra's have no clear vision on the subject.They found carbon and hydrogen mixtures on a monn named Titan but it were small molecules and from gasses and not the heavy chains so far.

The media is a very powerfull issue that can serve the interest of those who has benefits on certain events ,statements etc..

Because oil is probably the most important commodity all around which is in hands and control of powerfull companies and very rich families they won't kill the goose.So every theory which is launched that feeds their benefits they certainly won't attack it.

So if abiotic oil is a fact or not it's still not clear.The elements they found in crude oil contains (C,H,O,N,S) which are in fact elements which living elements contains too.

I studied chemistry so it's an amazing item .TNX for posting the link.

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