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Message: Flow Through Shares

It's called locking in a profit.......

Think it through......

1) You buy at $1.30, and are usually locked in (worst case) for 2-3 years.

2) Expenses of the CEE would be passed to you as a deduction on personal INCOME $ per $ against ANY other income - this is quite the tax break.....(if you're in the 46% tax bracket, you're net share cost would be 54% of the $1.30, or 70 cents).

3) Now get creative and see how you can make money at $1.05 SP when it really only costs you 70 cents?

4) Oh, and btw, the difference from $1.05 to 70 cents is CAPITAL GAIN in nature.....so only 1/2 gets taxed......

5) Then you could also short at these prices and "lock in" your profits of 35 cents (1.05 - .70 cents).

Get creative, review the CRA information and see how profitable this can workout, and how minimal the costs are ....but then again, the entire scheme collapses and you lose the entire $1.30 if CLL doesn't survive.

....but then.......who cares....

a) the Federal/Prov Gov't took care of the first 46% of the $1.30=60 cents,

b) you then generate 35 cents Capital gain from 1.05 less 70 cents, and pay tax at Capital Gain inclusion rates, which means, using the same 46%, (1.05-0.70)*0.50 times 46%, or 8 cents

........making the entire FT shares experience a max investment loss of $1.30-0.60-0.35+0.08 = 0.43 cents (if CLL cannot provide the CEE expenses to the FT shares)

- also, the capital loss would be carried back to reduce previous year's capital gain...for a further tax saving...

There's also other plays available that would limit downside, but I think you get the picture......sure would like to see where the shorts end up this month.....

That's who sells at $1.05......and looking at the volume, there are many that are making some pretty good money today...

GLA, Booster

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