Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: PDP


Thank you I am doing fine. Thanks for asking!

Here in Ohio, we are now paying about $2.85 per gallon for benzin. Adding to the problems here in the US is Obama's plans for the economy with much more socialism. The level of our taxes will far and away be highest in the world if he gets his plans through. Additionally, we will blow a hole half the size of the country in our debt and turn the value of the US$ into pure trash. Precisely what Obama with his socialist agenda wants to do. We are already the second highest taxed nation in the world behind Japan. Good potential news is, Obama may not have the chance as his popularity is falling like a rock. If he is allowed to get through what he wants, the US$ will become trash and we will be the most heavily taxed nation in the world by a large margin. The world may not like the assertiveness of the US but, you may find it a great deal less comfortable when the US can no longer afford the cost of the US military and the protection it grants us all. We may be assertive, but we do not try to employ economic black mail on Europe using energy as Russia does. And we do not wage war with the intent of conquering and ruling. You in Europe may find it a lot less comfortable as Putin has a free run at you with his objectives of energy victimization. The same would apply on a world wide basis. You all may initially cheer but long term find that the situation does not suit your national security desires, needs, or aims. But, once the old is destroyed and the US economicically neutered, it will be too late. Oh well. At least then it is the problem of the West and not just the US. No one cares enough any more to have a sense of commitment to principle. Enough for this rant. It is all just too depressing!

A boo boo is an accident or something not intended.

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