Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Another joint venture slips by under the nose of Connacher management


" What I am afraid of is that management has decided to retain 100% control of The Great Divide Project, the Algar Project and the Algar expansion project. "

This is where I beg to differ. CLL should retain absolute 100% control of existing assets.. I don't include Algar expansion as it's not built yet.. When you put existing assets on the table it no longer is a joint venture it's a sale of a percentage of the company. THAT SAID if someone wants to buy a 50% share in the company 850 million ( which would pay all debt), I'd fully support that,To me a joint venture means the partner gets a percentage equal to it's contribution of the monies earned from new projects. To achieve this a subsidiary company could also be established. If memory serves me CLL was originally going to expand to 6 Pods.

Any company trying to get a piece of existing earnings is trying to rip us off. CLL owns the leases on the land where the oil is. Therefore any company looking for a joint venture is already getting an excellent deal by getting access to this oil in the first place.

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