Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Anyone Get the Feeling====

Good work Rebel. Hopefully this time you convinced yourself that CLL is a trading stock and not a long term hold. Good research with some "stretching".

You said "January to April 1 is RRSP season". Actually the last day of RRSP contribution is end of FEBRUARY or March1. Gross of the contribution is done in last 2 week of February and mostly goes to Money market funds and bonds. Anyway, one has to be addicted gambler to put his retirement money in to the CLL stock.

But like you said: ....Crap this is awesome and appears to be a definite strategy to trade CLL.

Here is more reasons to consider:

1. Management always diluting CLL shares in Q4

2. Booking the tax Capital losses on weak stocks

3. Strong energy prices in DEC/JAN winter months

I am surprise you did not pickup this trading strategy long time ago from your old friend Dondon.

I have to agree with you. The CLL Fundamentals are week for the long term. Buy and hold is not a good strategy unless management will sell the company with some premium to the current SP.

From your original post:

Buy Nov 2004 @ .31 sell 2005 @ 1.19 max gain of 283%

Buy Nov 2005 @ 2.33 sell 2006 @ 5.88 max gain of 152%

Buy Nov 2006 @ 3.37 sell 2007 @ 3.98 max gain of 18%

Buy 2007 @ 3.35 sell 2008 @ 3.83 max gain of 14 %

Buy 2008 @ .95 sell 2009 @ 1.00 max gain of 5%

Buy 2009 @ .96 sell 2010 @ 1.62 max gain of 69 %

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