Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: January Presentation

Just when you were getting bored, CLL puts the new January, 2011 presentation on their website to shake you out of the doldrums. The January presentation is available under the tab on the left hand column on this page entitled "Links Library" or here:


Whats New?

1) Page 10 shows a graph with the existing production from POD1 and Algar along with the 2011 guidance on it.

2) Page 11 shows the expansion project for POD 1 and Algar and for the first time ever management uses the words "JV a possibility."

3) Page 13 has information on the new Central Alberta oilplay being developed by Connacher. It does not indicated specifically where it is, however it provides new information that 100+ well locations have been identified on this land with up to 200 bbl/d IP per well. It also states that the 2010/2011 budget includes three 1,200 m horizontal multi-stage frac wells. Results are epected in Q1 or early Q-2.

4) Page 16 shows the various technological innovations that Connacher will employ during 2011 to increase production from both POD 1 and Algar.

5) Page 17 Managing The Balance Sheet states "Potential asset sales reduce net debt: $57.5 mm Battrum sale scheduled to close February. 2011, non-core oilsands , PDP. " This is the first mention of selling PDP position as well as selling CLL's land holding at Hangingstone in partnership with AOS (if I read this right).

6) Page 18 Conventional production is forecast at 1,800 - 2,200 boe/day.

7) Page 27 - this is old but pay attention to it as infil drilling will have to start in the next year or two as POD one will be 4 years old this December and infil drilling will become increasingly more necessary.

8) Page 28 shows lowering SOR's at POD 1 with a bar graph.

9) Page 29 lists optimization successes at POD 1.

10) Page 30 Upstream Conventional Assets states: "May sell Marten Creek/Randall".

11) Page 32 - new costless collars in place for 2011

Cheers; Scott

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