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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Elementary my dear Watson


Actually the phrase was put in as a disclaimer ro avoid being jumped on for implying that all management is perfect.

Let's see what could management or a manager do that would warrant criticism.

Fraud including cooking books and intentionally providing false information---Theft-- intentionally doing something that would have adverse affects such as using inferior materials to save money ---paying off inspectors to avoid environmental laws--Bribing foreign officials--Spending company money os strippers etc, etc etc, The list could go continue but I think you get the jist. Most of these BTW are legal issues..

As far as contradicting,,not at all my post was about how accurate criticism can be if the writer doesn't have all the facts..

It's like in sports the coach always takes crap from fans who think they'd do a better job. Take a hockey game for example, 3rd period game is tied 1 minute left coach calls a time out players gather at the bench. Coach changes goalies other team scores and team doesn't make the playoffs. Fans go crazy blaming the coach and scream for his head..It's later revealed that the goalie had asked to be removed because he pulled a muscle or something .. Point is the fans don't know why decisions are made they just see the results.

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