Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Undervalued but not going up


The Financial Sense Newshour presentation you presented with Jim Puplava, was from May 31, 2008. My initial awareness of this was due to the fact I listen to the entire program every Saturday. It is a great weekly discussion of the market by some very knowledgeable people. And certainly I agree that CLL has been sujected at times to extreme manipulation. However, not all , or even most of the problems with CLL can be attributed to manipulation. Not in the market nor this Board.

There are issues with Connacher going way beyond manipulation or any basher on any discussion board. There are in fact serious issues with management decisions going back for quite awhile. Under capitalization at the time of Pod 1 construction being among them. Gusella proceeded with Pod 1 in a very under capitalized position. Then when the 2008 crash in the economy and oil, he was left due to his under capitalization limited options. His decision was to shut Pod 1 down. A decision with serious consequences for field and operational considerations.

The result was near total failure of Connacher as an entity. It was only through the massive financings with subsequent SP dilution that the Company survived.

Is the recognition of the above facts "bashing"? Most decidedly not. They are in fact at the core of all that the current SP indicates. Managements every step since 2008 has been to dilute the equity of Connacher. And even today, Management is conducting the affairts of the Company on a risky financial tightrope. Should we expect different behavior in future decision processes. My submission would be NO! Does such make me a basher? Or just a realist recognizing the inherent risk which Management has presented all holders of Connacher.

To blame the totality of Connacher problems on manipulation is erroneous and too simple an explanation. The real issues and problems go back to attitudes resulting in decisions of 4 to 5 years ago which demonstrated themselves to be risky in the extreme. Manipulation has nothing to do with the result of risky behavior!


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