Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Undervalued but not going up


Now I see the problem. You excerpted a phrase of a much longer quotation of mine with regard to previously executed "raids" on Connacher. These raids where Connacher stock in a brief period usually lasting in entirety not longer than two hours both down and back up of as much as 35 cents would occur. Obviously engineered by the "shorts" who would manipulate down the SP, cover their shorts and go long, with the SP ending the day very near, or at where it began the day. This has not taken place however in two years or more. The problem with presenting a small piece of a much longer quotation is that one does not capture the totality of the thought. In the future when quoting me, please present the quote in its entirety as opposed to a mere truncated snippet of a longer quotation. As for your point, my position with respect to engineered "short raids" which took place two years or more ago, remains accurate and in fact has nothing to do with the situation which Connacher finds itself in today. As times change conditions change, so do realities!


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