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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Pipelines and CDN Deficits

...It will be interesting to see if the Harper government has the gonads to stand up to those few thousand folks opposing the Gateway.

Well , few thousand opponents would be piece of cake for Harper. The main obstacle will be our BIG brother from the South.

Namely David and Charles Koch, Ruling Kings and the bankers of the Tea Party.

Their refineries are thirsty for our oil-sand product. Koch Industries ( largest privet corporation in US - over $100 billion annual revenue and 80,000 employees) already imports to the US 25% of all Canadian oil sands crude.

Koch brothers (arguably the richest family in US) are the largest single donor to members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. Their priority is the the Keystone pipeline and they have enough resources to stop any other project which can potentially decrease their profit.

In addition both BC opposition and governing party are on the record of opposing the Gateway project.

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