Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta


Hi Terry

So far here it's the opposite .We have had in Februari almost all days heavy wind and many showers but no cold temps.It was the windest moth so far according to the statistics .

This week and next weaather will be fine again and almost no wind so I'm bussy now to prepare my boat for fishing.Hqave been digging worms at the coast for 2 days so now we are ready to take of.It's like early spring this week.

Today it looks that the fear on an escalation in Cremea slowed down after yesterdays sell of.Let's hope this conflict can be resolved without a clash

I'm curious when CLL will start moving.Within 2 weeks the figures are out.Wouldn't be surprised to see it run up in the last days and profit taking on the day itself.Q4 will not be greazt and in fact investors are knowing but Q1 will be much better and oil price also is benefitting now so what will reaction be?In many cases we see a run up and then profit taking but what will it be this time.Same or will their prognoses for Q's to come and outlook determine if the stock can fly a bit.I think 0.32 is a heavy resistance and to smach it we must have a reliable outlook.In terms of chart technicals there is not much to decide this time.It's almost a flat line.

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