Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: Re: First nations : How are the relations with copper fox and the First Nations?

I have discussed with Elmer the First Nations partnership, as I have experience in remote First Nations Health. I believe the relationship between Copper Fox and the Tahltan people are healthy, respectful, and productive. From my understanding, there has been longstanding engagement. Please see below for more information.

Tahltan Nation community relations engagement and consultation

Fox is working with the Tahltan Central Council and the Tahltan people to ensure, honest and transparent communication. Over the past three years, Copper Fox has met with the Tahltan Central Council and conducted several community meetings to discuss the progress on the project and receive feedback from the political leadership and Tahltan community members.

Copper Fox has entered into several agreements with the Tahltan Central Council and the Tahltan Nation Development Corporation including:

  1. A memorandum of Understanding with the Tahltan Nation Development Corporation

    Copper Fox has signed Memorandum of Understanding with the Tahltan Nation Development Corporation which defines the scope of work, program commitments, cooperation, and communication that Copper Fox will follow at Schaft Creek and recognizes TNDC will be a "preferred contractor". This agreement includes commitments regarding contracting and sub contracting opportunities for Tahltan businesses and employment and training opportunities for all members of the Tahltan Nation. The Tahltan Nation Development Corporation (TNDC) is the economic arm of the Tahltan Nation and generates wealth, economic, employment and training opportunities for all members of the Tahltan Nation
  2. Communication Agreement with the Tahltan Central Council

    Copper Fox has signed a Communications Agreement with the Tahltan Central Council (TCC) with the objective of ensure strong communications between the company and TCC. The agreement outlines financial support the company will provide to the TCC to ensure adequate financial resources are available for funding communications between the TCC and the company.
  3. Heritage Agreement (formerly known as the Traditional Knowledge Agreement)

    Copper Fox has signed a Heritage Agreement with the Tahltan Central Council (TCC) with the objective of confirming how traditional knowledge will be collected and protected, as well as how the process will be funded. Copper Fox will fund any collection of traditional knowledge and be responsible for ensuring it keeps confidential such information. In addition, the information is always owned by the Tahltan Nation and all information is to be returned to the Nation following the environmental assessment.
  4. Tahltan Heritage Resources Environmental Assessment Team (THREAT) funding Agreement

    Copper Fox has signed a THREAT Agreement with the TCC. This agreement outlines how Copper Fox and THREAT will work through the environmental assessment process. In addition, the agreement also outlines how work will be funded. Copper Fox and the THREAT team have met several times during this pre-applications phase. There are two purposes of the meetings. The first is for Copper Fox and their consultants to provide project updates, engineering and technical reports and assessments of different project design components to THREAT. The second, is for THREAT to provide the company with provide feedback and ensure Tahltan views are incorporated early on into the project.

Other community relations activities include sponsorship of an annual $15,000 Scholarship

Copper Fox Metals and the Tahltan Central Council, on behalf of the Tahltan Nation including the Tahltan Band and the Iskut First Nation are offering a merit-based scholarship to a Tahltan First Nation student planning to attend the University of Alberta to study in one of following programs: Education, Nursing, Medicine, Physiotherapy, Nutrition, Law, Engineering, Geology, Agriculture, Social Work or Native Studies.

The Copper Fox Scholarship is a new undergraduate program for students attending the University of Alberta. The scholarship will be provided over five years max ($15,000 per year). The Copper Fox Scholarship covers tuition, regular student fees and books for students studying at the University of Alberta for up to five years. Continued support under this program depends upon maintenance of satisfactory academic standing and enrollment in a full time program that will lead to an undergraduate degree.

Copper Fox Metals is the sole contributor to the fund. Award winners are selected on the basis of academic performance, career goals, brief biography, role model qualities, and volunteer and leadership contributions to their community. Academic performance, residency and career interest are considered in the selection process. Applicants who wish to pursue a career in the mining industry and traditional studies are favoured.

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