Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: L2 resting

From Prospekts' L2:

The Wall on the Ask.The number of orders (5) for the $1.14 wall is pretty small (few, large lots). A similar size at $1.18.

Bid. Looks like retailers chicken scratching for bargains. Average of 2800 shares an order. If it was anything more (institutions, playa's), we'd see the chart go straight thru the $100k's worth of shares before $1.14.

We'll drift along until major news. The one month chart is looking somewhat positive so there has been some ramping towards BFS after the delay.

% $ Value Price Number of Lots # of orders Ave # Lots per Order Price Number of Lots # of orders Ave # Lots per Order $ Value %
2.0% $ 4,212 $1.08 39 6 6.5 $1.09 56 9 6.2 $ 6,104 1.6%
3.2% $ 6,634 $1.07 62 9 6.9 $1.10 91 7 13.0 $ 10,010 2.7%
10.6% $ 22,366 $1.06 211 8 26.4 $1.11 99 6 16.5 $ 10,989 3.0%
7.2% $ 15,225 $1.05 145 8 18.1 $1.12 105 3 35.0 $ 11,760 3.2%
6.9% $ 14,560 $1.04 140 5 28.0 $1.13 515 6 85.8 $ 58,195 15.7%
13.2% $ 27,810 $1.03 270 11 24.5 $1.14 1430 5 286.0 $ 163,020 43.9%
18.8% $ 39,576 $1.02 388 6 64.7 $1.15 464 8 58.0 $ 53,360 14.4%
7.5% $ 15,756 $1.01 156 7 22.3 $1.16 120 2 60.0 $ 13,920 3.8%
24.7% $ 52,000 $1.00 520 11 47.3 $1.17 120 2 60.0 $ 14,040 3.8%
5.8% $ 12,276 $0.99 124 1 124.0 $1.18 252 1 252.0 $ 29,736 8.0%
total 100.0% $ 210,415 2055 72 28.5 3252 49 66.4 $ 371,134 100.0%
Ave Bid price Ave Ask price
$ 1.02 $ 1.14
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